Welcome to Year 5!

Class 5M

Teachers - Mrs McLaren

Class 5FW

Teacher - Mr Fortune and Mrs Walker

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Walsh, Miss Wilson, Mrs Katzenmier and Ms Oates



5FW's PE days are Wednesday (swimming) and Thursday 

5M's PE days are Wednesday (swimming) and Thursday


Children should log onto TT Rockstars every week and complete the questions in Garage - these are questions that have been specifically set by the class teachers. The expectation is that they complete 8 games every week. 

Homework (including spellings) will be uploaded to Google Classroom every Friday at 3:30pm and is expected back on the following Friday.

Additional are sent home to help your child consolidate the week's learning as an optional homework.


You must read at least 5x a week at home and record this in your reading record. Children are expected to write a sentence about what they have read every day. Parents sign the reading record for the teachers to check every Friday. 

Children who read 5 times per week will be entered into our Reading Raffle and gain the chance to win a book from our school vending machines.

 Termly Curriculum Overview

Parent information

A great activity to practice and consolidate times-table recall!

Community Project

This year we will be partnering up with Havering Talking Newspaper to record articles about school life and share some of our work.  Havering Talking Newspaper provide recorded copies of the local news to Havering's visually impaired community.