Welcome to Reception!
Willow Class
Teacher - Miss Batchelor
Chestnut Class
Teacher - Miss Loades
Teaching Assistants across the year group - Miss Aynsworth, Mrs Vohra, Mrs Lammin, Mrs Patel and Miss Adams
Please check Classdojo
Please do not put your child's drinks bottle in their bag as it sometimes leaks.
Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit every Tuesday. Children should be dressed in either the Scotts tracksuit or shorts and t-shirt, depending on the weather.
Book Bags and Reading Books
Your child will receive a book weekly. Please look at the back page to see what your child should be working on. This will include a decoding session, a prosody session and a comprehension session. Please sign your child's reading record 5 times a week.
Your child will be given homework every Friday. Please support your child in completing this homework to help them consolidate their phonics learning. Homework is due in the following Friday.
Please can you ensure that you label your child’s clothing, this includes their shoes. All children should come to school with a green book bag.
Our Topic is...
We are Time Travellers
Termly curriculum overview
We will learn the sounds:
er air
Tricky words: they
Information for parents can be found on Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. Please click on the link below.
Phonics Play
Please spend some time using the phonics play free resources to support your child’s decoding skills.
Click the link below to go to the website
Special Box
On a Friday, one child in class will be chosen for our special box. When it is your child’s turn, they will come home with a note to say they have the special box. Please collect five special things that are important to your child and discuss why they are special to them. It could be a teddy they have had since they were a baby, a certificate that they have been awarded or a photo of a family party. Once you have discussed them, please take a photograph and upload it to Class Dojo by the following Thursday.
In maths we will explore the composition of number using the Hungarian Die frame to help us (see picture below). These key representations will help to underline the ‘5-ness’ of 5, and provide structures that will support exploration of its composition and its relationships with other numbers. We will think about which pairs of numbers make 5.
PSHE/Online Safety
In PHSE we will learn: To know the importance of permission-seeking and giving in relationships with friends, peers and adults.
Our Learning:
We also enjoyed listening to the poet Neal Zetter and enjoyed joining in with lots of poems. We found it very funny when we said the poem very very slowly.
This week we went on a light and dark hunt around the school. We learnt about the best items of clothing to wear at night to make sure we are seen.
This week we had our first PE lessons and used our puddle suits to explore the mendips on the grass. Well done to all the children for their resilience when putting on their puddle suits.
Our First Week at Scotts
We were very excited to discover two eggs had been left in our outdoor area. A few days later we watched the cameras and found that a dinosaur had hatched and had made our classrooms very messy.
This week we had lots of fun going on a bear hunt.
Week 2
This week we have been working on building relationships, practising using a knife and fork and developing our core strength.